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This Enlightenment Quiz?
Human birth is not an accident. Each of us has been born to accomplish a purpose. The transformative goal is Enlightenment—the expansion of our spiritual awareness that enables us to recognize our unicity with the Supreme Reality, and to serve Its eternal wisdom as a loving instrument in every relationship.
The six-week AMI Foundation Course developed and taught by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev), founder of the American Meditation Institute, will give you the practical, scientific means to know Enlightenment and to joyfully fulfill the purpose of your life.
AMI Foundation Course:
A Scientific Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment
Sundays at 6:30pm ET | A Life-Changing Self-Care Program for Everyone

Learn about our Six-Week Program
What is the AMI Foundation Course?
The AMI FOUNDATION COURSE is a practical, scientific and spiritual approach to life. It is the only such program offered today.
For thousands of years, countless women and men have developed methods to optimize their minds and bodies and nurture spiritual awareness—with the goal of achieving happiness and fulfillment in their lifetimes. It presents practical, modern day interpretations of time-tested scientific wisdom contained in the world’s oldest spiritual and meditation tradition.
This course will provide a comprehensive set of daily self-care practices to:
- Immediately reduce stress
- Maintain and enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health
- Enhance your problem-solving abilities
- Honor emotional and spiritual needs
- Nurture loving relationships
- Find inner peace, happiness and security
Course Components
- An educational body of knowledge for health & healing
- History, philosophy and benefits of meditation
- How to use the mind to make the best choices
- How to access the “super-conscious” mind
- Understanding pain as an agent for healing
- The transformative power of sacrifice
- Increasing energy, will power and creativity
- The power of desire and attention
- Creative actions rather than reactionary responses
- Antidotes for worry, stress and depression
- Systematic procedure for AMI MEDITATION
- How to diminish distractions
- Training one-pointed attention for creativity
- The one-minute meditation
- Using AMI MEDITATION skills throughout the day
- Mantra Science: World’s greatest mantras and how to use thoughts and mantra in the healing process
- How mantra vibrations promote health
- Three sets of Easy-Gentle Yoga stretches & exercises
- Understanding the physiology/anatomy of Easy-Gentle Yoga
- The meaning of prana (life force)
- How breathing irregularities foster dis-ease
- Diaphragmatic breathing for pulmonary health
- Complete (three-part) yogic breath
- Yogic postures for healthy breathing
- Alternate nostril breathing for energy & psychological balance
- How the mind functions for optimal health
- Managing thoughts, desires and emotions
- How to experience freedom from fear
- The power of the present moment
- Channeling the four primitive urges
- Anatomy of your real being
- Building and healing relationships
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- The practical benefit of contemplation
- Creating a personal therapeutic care plan
- Learning to budget your time
- Integrating spiritual beliefs
- The healing power of prayer
- How to keep a meditation practice going and working for you
About Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Leonard (Ram Lev) is an American spiritual teacher, a direct disciple of medical pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and a living link to the world’s oldest health and wisdom spiritual tradition. A noted educator, philosopher and Yoga Scientist, Leonard is the founder of the American Meditation Institute, developer the AMI Foundation Course curriculum, and originator of National Conscience Month. He is the author of the award-winning books The Heart and Science of Yoga and YOUR CONSCIENCE, and the Mind/Body/Spirit Journal, Transformation. A rare and gifted teacher, Leonard’s writings and classes are enlivened by his inspiring enthusiasm, vast experience, wisdom, humor and a clear, practical teaching style. Leonard has presented courses at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, numerous medical colleges, Kaiser Permanente, the Commonwealth Club of California, the U. S. Military Academy at West Point and The New York Times Yoga Forum with Dean Ornish MD.
The Purpose of Life: Enlightenment
by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Of course, not everything in life happens exactly the way we wanted or planned, but the very thoughts of disappointment and frustration that arise can bring us two invaluable virtues: patience and determination. If these two powers are faithfully nurtured and cultivated, they can expand one’s spiritual awareness, and eventually lead to the fulfillment of your life’s true purpose.