National Conscience Month January 2025
National Conscience Month January 2025

Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide

Explore and be inspired by personal Conscience stories shared by others.

Joseph Carrick

“Being conscious and using my conscience helps me to not play the wrong notes in the song of life.”
Joseph Carrick, Musician

Zurenko Joyce

“I have learned from experience that when I listen to my conscience in challenging situations as well as when making day-to-day decisions, the result is always beneficial to me as well as to other people. There is great peace in knowing this.”
Joyce Zurenko, Nuclear Medicine Technologist, Retired

Doreen Howe

“By counseling with and trusting my conscience, I’m a better wife, mother, grandmother and friend to others and myself.”
Doreen Howe
New York State Department of Transportation Construction Coordinator, Retired

Peggy Jacob

“As a retired Registered Nurse and a member of a large family which includes 10 young grandchildren, my Conscience has guided me to give loving attention in every relationship. This form of meditation-in-action has helped balance my emotions and increase my creativity, and is allowing me to live my life with increasing contentment and gratitude.”
Peggy Jacob
Registered Nurse, retired

Michelle Elliot sitting on Balcony

“By using the Conscience, contracting energy of long-standing fears began to be transformed. As a result, I felt calmer, more focused, optimistic and creative in many kinds of relationships. For that I am eternally grateful.”
Michelle Elliot, PhD

Robbin Freeman-LaBonte

“When I remember to listen to my Conscience, my intuition, I am able to fully engage in every moment. This leads to healthier and happier relationships.”
Robbin Freeman-LaBonte
Special Education Coordinator

Jeff Kearbey

“In my roles as a husband, father and carpenter, I have learned that my willingness to use the Conscience is a game changer.”
Jeff Kearbey

Joanne Susko

“Following the Conscience has led me to feeling peaceful, and to making thoughtful decisions. I am much happier than I have ever been.”
Joanne Susko
Educator, retired

Andre Tremblay standing on city street

“As I become more aware of the limitless positive possibilities that abound by using the Conscience, the desire to sacrifice old mental obstacles continues to expand.”
Andre Tremblay
Bookstore Manager

Mary Holloway

“Learning to coordinate the functions of my mind and listen carefully to my Conscience has brought greater confidence and a sense of freedom. I don’t need to wonder what to do or what not to do anymore, I just need to listen and then do it. The Conscience is always right.”
Mary Holloway
Hospital Administrator, retired

Beth Netter

“I find that when I’m making choices for what to eat, when I can be calm and quiet and listen to what my conscience is guiding me to eat at that time, and when I can do what it is guiding, I always feel well, having plenty of energy, don’t experience heartburn and I am mentally clear and calm.”
Beth Netter MD, retired physician

Nadine Baumgarten

“I try to pay careful attention to what really matters to me because one thing I know for sure is that my health on every level is directly connected to how well my actions flow from my deepest values. That’s where conscience needs to lead the way.”
Nadine Baumgarten
Elementary School Teacher, Retired

Laurie Gold

“When I listen closely to my conscience and act on its wisdom, I experience a deep sense of joy and contentment that emanates from within and radiates outward to rest of the world.”
Laurie Gold
Freelance Marketing Copywriter

Teri Mayor

“Listening to my conscience has allowed me to navigate family relationships more skillfully, and helps me to express the deep love I have for them even during difficult times.”
Teri Mayor
VP of Product Management

Teri Weiner

“By using the conscience, I am able to transform any negative thoughts into positive ones, creating more gentle and loving actions towards myself and others!”
Terri Weiner, Dental Hygienist

Barbara Ruel

“By using the Conscience, I’ve discovered how to slow down, focus on the present moment and experience more positive outcomes.”
Barbara Ruel
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Director for Diversity and Women in Engineering Programs

Valerie Chakedis

“My conscience is critical for seeing situations from other people’s perspective. Following my conscience can lead to better circumstances in the long run.”
Valerie Chakedis, EdD
Educator, Consultant, retired

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