National Conscience Month January 2024
National Conscience Month January 2024

About National Conscience Month

National Conscience Month was created to celebrate and raise awareness about the value of using your conscience as a guide to make better decisions.

Created by American Meditation Institute founders Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter, National Conscience Month will take place each January, beginning in 2020.  During Conscience Month, observers are encouraged to explore more about their conscience — from what it is, to how it works, to how to access it reliably.

People who consult their consciences regularly experience more positive outcomes and find they can be happier and healthier in the long term.

We invite people and organizations across the United States to join our favorite cricket in raising awareness about using your conscience as your guide. Contact the American Meditation Insititute to learn more.

National Conscience Month Webinars

In observance of the 4th Annual National Conscience Month, the American Meditation Institute presented 2 FREE webinars.  With helpful PowerPoints to increase your understanding and confidence, each hour-long program will demystify how YOUR CONSCIENCE really functions, and how to optimize its use in every relationship. Following each presentation, attendees are encouraged to create easy-to-do experiments in their own lives. These important webinars will teach everyone how to awaken their personal creativity and intuitive wisdom to solve all of life’s challenges.

Use the links below to watch them now on YouTube!

Your Conscience – It's Not What Your Think It Is

Your Conscience – It’s Not What You Think It Is
Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) & a Panel of Yoga Scientists


Your Conscience How To Use It Everywhere, Every Day

Your Conscience – How to Use It Everywhere, Every Day
Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) & a Panel of Yoga Scientists


Always look in a positive direction — Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide!

Thought for the Week

On Enlightenment - Thought for the Week - 7/22/2024; "Freedom" by ©Jenness Cortez. "The omnipresent Guru Principle exists at the core of our being as our Inner Teacher—the intuitive wisdom we need to experience life's greatest freedom: the freedom from fear." -- Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Congratulations to the 2024 National Conscience Month Contest Winner — Jiya Patil

5th Annual National Conscience Month Essay Contest

National Conscience Month
2024 Essay Scholarship Winner Jiya Patil

The American Meditation Institute proudly announces that Jiya Patil of Pleasanton, California, is the winner of the 5th Annual National Conscience Month Essay Contest. This year’s honoree will receive a $2,000 scholarship toward higher education for describing her personal rewarding experiences of using her Conscience as her sole decision-making guide.

In her award-winning entry, high school senior at the Foothill High School, Patil writes that by using her Conscience to determine her thoughts, words and deeds, “I’ve realized that the tragedy of the commons is nature’s way of forcing each of us to listen to our consciences, a lesson that I hope we all learn earlier rather than later. Instead of continuing to lie to myself, I hope to let my conscience guide me away from engaging with this tragedy. By choosing not to feed into it, I might ensure my status as a loser to some, but I’m no longer willing to win the race if I have to cheat to get to the front.”

National Conscience Month, observed each January, is intended to encourage individual citizens, governments, school systems, faith leaders, non-profits, community organizations and corporations across the United States to celebrate and raise awareness about the value of consciously using your conscience as an inspired guide in making better decisions.

According to Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute, author of “Your Conscience” and originator of National Conscience Month, “Today, a new reliance on our Conscience as our guide can make it possible for each of us to access and integrate intuitive wisdom, and to establish greater personal security, creativity and peace of mind.”

Past Scholarship Contest Winners

Mia Compton-Engle, 2022 National Conscience Month Essay Contest Winner

2022 Essay Winner
Mia Compton-Engle, Shaker High School, Shaker Heights, OH


Jasmin Palermo

2021 Essay Winner
Jasmin Palermo, Design and Architecture Senior High, Miami, FL


Maya Healey

2020 Essay Winner
Maya Healey, Niskayuna High School, Niskayuna, NY


Josh Geci

2020 Video Winner
Josh Geci, New Hartford Senior High School, New Hartford, NY


Lillian Kronau

2020 Visual Arts Winner
Lillian Kronau, Averill Park High School, Poestenkill, NY


Why is Using Your Conscience So Important?

Do you want to create a world of more Meaning, Understanding, Acceptance, Peace, Civility, Kindness, Compassion, Security, Health, Happiness and Love?

In our current culture we know that people are moving quickly and reacting rather than making discerning choices.  No one has ever taught people how to evaluate options or to use their conscience as a guide.  Because of this, we experience dis-ease. We suffer personally and as a culture from ills like addictions, gun violence, chronic and debilitating health conditions, suicide, racism, bigotry, stress, and depression, to name just a few.

By learning to follow our Conscience, we can work together for change.

Learn How to Use Your Conscience

Four Functions of the Mind

Easy Step-by-Step Guide for Coordinating the Four Functions of the Mind

Your Conscience – An Interview


Health and Wellness Topics

When you make choices guided by the wisdom of your Conscience, you will feel better mentally, physically and spiritually. Explore our health and wellness topics for simple experiments to practice using your Conscience as a guide.

Become A National Conscience Month Partner

Are you a leader in your community, at work or at home?

We are looking for partners (organizations and individuals) who are invested in doing good and wanting to be responsible in their choices and actions.

We are in a position to influence people due to the nature of our work and beliefs.  We are asking all of our partners to use their influence and voices to help spread awareness and advocate for change.  In short, to help people discover how to use their Conscience as their guide.

How You Can Participate

National Conscience Month Scholarship Contest High Schoolers

Enter the National Conscience Month Essay Contest

Calling all high school seniors — Enter for a chance to win a $2,000 scholarship!



Promote National Conscience Month on Social Media

Like, share, and retweet Conscience Month social media posts


Help Raise Awareness

Share posters, educational materials, and more. Check out our Resources and Media Kit.


Attend or Host a Conscience Month Event or Class

Use our educational materials to create your own unique program

Want to Receive More Conscience Month Information?  Join our Mailing List

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American Meditation Institute

PO Box 430  •  Averill Park NY
(518) 674-8714