About Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Founder and director of The American Meditation Institute, Leonard is the author of “Transformation,” The Journal of Meditation as Mind/Body Medicine and the award-winning book “The Heart and Science of Yoga® : A Blueprint for Peace, Happiness and Freedom from Fear.” His AMI MEDITATION entry-level course has been accredited by the Albany Medical College, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses and American Nurses Association to receive medical education credit. Leonard has been a student of Yoga Science since 1975 and a direct disciple of mind/body medicine pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

Desire Determines Destiny

Increase your reserves of
energy, will power and creativity
by sacrificing habitual desires

The Upanishads have been called the oldest and purest source of spiritual wisdom known to humanity. These ancient scriptures share profound revelations on the nature of the eternal Supreme Reality–wisdom that the great sages realized in the depths of their meditation. These same sages promise that when an earnest spiritual seeker manifests this wisdom in his or her own life, peace, happiness, creativity and freedom from fear become constant companions.

The word Upanishad comes from the Sanskrit, “to sit down near” the feet of the Guru in […]

2005-05-01T12:03:27-04:00May 1st, 2005|Essays|


NAPLES, Florida. January 14, 2005 (Naples Daily News)

They sit on the edge of their seats. Back straight. Eyes closed. Hands in a relaxed position, thumb and index finger touching. Now, slowly, effortlessly, they begin silently repeating the mantra. If they do this for 30 minutes, twice a day, they will, if the ancient sages are correct, transform themselves into more centered and peaceful people.

Which is the beneficial outcome. If you can block out other useless thoughts, like if you’re doing it right or what you’re going to eat for lunch.

The students are reminded: Meditation […]

2005-01-14T15:59:12-05:00January 14th, 2005|News Article|

Educated but not Enlightened

In the search for happiness, direct experience surpasses knowledge from external sources

by Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter

There’s lots of pressure placed on both children and parents these days. Ask any exhausted parent. Kids now have schedules as dizzying as any corporate CEO’s. Why? Because the culture is constantly warning that unless a child is well-rounded and accepted by a prestigious college, chances for success will be significantly diminished.

Without question, a solid college education or vocational training is a vital element in earning a livelihood. But the desire for our children’s success is so intense today, that we often forget to provide […]

2004-11-01T15:04:02-05:00November 1st, 2004|Essays|

Educated but not Enlightened

In the search for happiness, direct experience surpasses knowledge from external sources

There’s lots of pressure placed on both children and parents these days. Ask any exhausted parent. Kids now have schedules as dizzying as any corporate CEO’s. Why? Because the culture is constantly warning that unless a child is well-rounded and accepted by a prestigious college, chances for success will be significantly diminished.


Without question, a solid college education or vocational training is a vital element in earning a livelihood. But the desire for our children’s success is so intense today, that we often forget […]

2004-02-01T12:04:29-05:00February 1st, 2004|Essays|

Ahimsa is the Golden Rule

“Knoedler & Company,” Oil on Mahogany Panel, 24 by 30 inches © Jenness Cortez Perlmutter

Ahimsa is the highest precept of yoga science. It is the first of the yamas and niyamas–constructive observances and disciplines codified in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Ahimsa means non-violence or non-harming, and it is the guiding yogic principle underlying every successful relationship–within and without, subtle and gross, with yourself and with others.

In practical terms, ahimsa is the same wisdom as the Golden Rule, which instructs human beings to “Do unto others as you wish to have done unto you,” or as Jesus the Christ teaches: “Love thy […]

2003-09-01T14:33:18-04:00September 1st, 2003|Essays|

Attaining Victory on the Battlefield of Your Life

Krishna and Arjuna

We pray to the Divinity in you.

Don’t be misled. The war on terrorism and the war in Iraq are really consequences of an inner conflict that is always being waged in our own hearts and minds. Since we all suffer from this protracted subtle warfare, the question arises: What does it take to win this perennial battle?

Every successful military engagement is defined by four essential ingredients: knowledge of the enemy, resolve, a coherent overall strategy, and specific tactics that defeat the enemy and establish peace. To truly […]

2003-05-01T12:01:45-04:00May 1st, 2003|Essays|

Essential Message of the Gita


Without question, these are the times that try the soul. Certainly each of us must deal with occasional traumas like illness, the loss of loved ones and financial reverses, but recently all of us have been bombarded by an onslaught of momentous circumstances. Consider the crises we’ve lived through in recent years: the shock and heartbreak of 9/11, the Iraq War, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, Darfur, Katrina, terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the unending insanity of the Middle East, and now, a new Great Depression.

The weight of any one […]

2000-03-01T12:06:07-05:00March 1st, 2000|Essays|
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