Seeking the Purpose of Life

Human birth is not an accidental phenomenon. Each of us has been born to accomplish a goal. That goal is to expand our spiritual awareness sufficiently to recognize and become one with the Supreme Reality, and to serve Its eternal wisdom as a loving instrument in every relationship. We are asked to compassionately witness, but remain unaffected by the highs and lows of our personality’s old attachments to likes and dislikes, victories and defeats, praise and blame.

Not everything in life happens exactly the way we wanted or planned, but the very thoughts of disappointment and frustration that arise can bring […]

Balancing Your Inner and Outer Life

Marcus Aurelius, one of the most respected emperors in Roman history was born in the year 121 and died in the year 180. His greatest intellectual interest was a philosophy that emphasized reason and self-discipline. I have no personal knowledge of his awareness of Yoga, but his writings indicate to me that he was, at the very least, an intuitive Yoga Scientist. Marcus Aurelius wrote: “Today I escaped anxiety. Or rather, I should say I discarded it because it was within my mind, in my own perceptions, and not outside.”

The realization of a purposeful and […]

2024-03-25T13:51:51-04:00March 25th, 2024|On Enlightenment|
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