• Swami Nijananda's Commentary on Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence Volume I, by Father Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure, is the first volume of lectures to be published. Many of his students felt these lectures were of value to them long after the lecture series ended. This volume explains and illuminates the essential message of Christianity. "In every circumstance, without exception," says Swami Nijananda, surrender to the Lord is the crucial thing...It is your task to harmonize yourself with what the Lord has ordained and not the other way around." This book provides the guidance to orient oneself spiritually in any situation the world presents, however tragic.
  • For the first time the science of mantra is made understandable for the modern Western reader. The most common misconceptions regarding meditation and the use of mantra are explained clearly and often humorously. This comprehensive book covers the science of mantra from all angles, including linguistics, history, psychology, science, philosophy, and religion
  • Among the oldest of India's spiritual texts, the Upanishads are records of intensive question-and-answer sessions given by illumined sages to their students. Widely featured in philosophy courses, the Upanishads have puzzled and inspired wisdom seekers from Yeats to Schopenhauer. Eknath Easwaran makes this challenging text more accessible by selecting the passages most relevant to readers seeking timeless truths today. His best-selling, accessible, highly readable translation and lively foreword place the teachings in a contemporary context for students and general readers alike.
  • As we learn to rejoice in “Lord God, thou holy lover of my soul,” we begin to glimpse the transformative power of divine love in our lives. In this anecdotal, warm, and intensely practical commentary on Thomas a Kempis’s Imitation of Christ, Easwaran examines this enduring Christian passage line by line to show us what love is and how to overcome obstacles to loving more fully.
  • Describes the anatomy and physiology of breathing, as well as the subtle yogic science of prana.
  • Swami Rama's description of the totality of the mind, the functions of the mind, and the emotions goes far beyond the concepts of modern psychology.
  • An excellent manual in everyday preventive medicine with sound, basic skills indispensable for long term health in body and mind. This manual teaches how one can achieve optimum health through cleansing, nourishing, exercising and meditation.
  • Chosen for their universal spiritual appeal, literary merit, and recognized wisdom, these selections are perfect subjects for meditation and daily inspirational reading. Drawing from Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Native American sacred literature, this expanded third edition serves as a useful reference and guide to world mysticism. Included are Easwaran's criteria for choosing personally transformative passages, tips on memorization, and suggestions for further reading.
  • One cannot talk about God, Dr. Arya tells us; one can only be conscious of Him experientially. Everyone is looking for God: the alcoholic in his bottle, the child in his Superman comics, the artist in his work. The need to know God springs from our deepest nature. But most of us are not aware of this. And so, drawing upon his own rich background in the yoga-Vedanta tradition, the author tells us how this awareness can be developed in everyone (including atheists and agnostics).
  • This book gives a glimpse and creates a provocative atmosphere for the intelligent and learned so that they will begin studying their inclination to follow a particular path, and so that they don't waste time and energy in the prevailing confusion of our times, but choose a definite path for themselves. The younger generation today is longing to seek something new and fresh, but it is torn by the conflicts created by guilt and fear. With these views in mind and to serve the needs of the aspirants and free-thinkers, I present this book.
  • Eknath Easwaran is a foremost translator and interpreter of the much-loved Indian scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. In this verse-by-verse commentary on the Gita, Easwaran translates each verse, relates it to our modern lives through stories and anecdotes, and gives us spiritual exercises that we can use every day. This second volume in a three-volume set covers chapters 7 – 12 of the Gita, and builds a bridge between scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom by showing the indivisible unity governing all creation.
  • Eknath Easwaran is a foremost translator and interpreter of the much-loved Indian scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. He liked to say that his verse-by-verse commentary grew like a tree issuing directly from his life, which was so rooted in the Gita that he found a deep understanding of its teachings in the most everyday experiences – sharing a treat with young children, walking with friends down a busy street, or watching a mime in San Francisco’s Union Square. Easwaran translates each verse, relates it to our modern lives through stories and anecdotes, and gives us spiritual exercises that we can use every day. This first volume in a three-volume set covers chapters 1–6 of the Gita, and concentrates on the individual: the nature of our innermost Self, how it can be discovered in the depths of consciousness, and how this discovery transforms daily life. The introduction includes instructions in Easwaran’s universal method of passage meditation.
  • The Ayurvedic Cookbook gives a fresh new perspective on this ancient art of self-healing. Over 250 taste-tested recipes are specifically designed to balance each constitution, with an emphasis on simplicity, ease and sound nutrition.
  • At the Feet of a Himalayan Master unfolds the secrets of personal sadhana and direct contact with a great guru that are rare to find in any published literature, and with contemporary and western disciples facing the modern world and all of its limitations. The book helps us understand the many facets and real nature of genuine spiritual practice in the Himalayan tradition and how it can transform the mind and heart.
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    Dr. Theodore Baroody shows how excess acids in the small intestines can negatively affect that vital organ.  It will give readers a clear understanding of how alkalizing our body tissues can boost overall health and the health of specific areas of our body. Eating alkaline forming foods is a solution to the problem of excess tissue acids, but drinking alkaline water produced by any of our quality Alkaline water ionizers is a more simple and effective way flushing out acid waste from our body.
  • Ayurveda and the Mind is perhaps the first book published in the West that explores specifically the psychological aspect of this great system. The book explores how to heal our minds on all levels from the subconscious to the superconscious, along with the role of diet, impressions, mantra, meditation, yoga and many other methods to create wholeness. Dr. Frawley has once again demonstrated his unique talent of digesting ancient Vedic knowledge and feeding us this understanding which nourishes our body, mind and soul.
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    The Sermon on the Mount represents the essence of both Christ's teachings and the teachings of Vedanta. Christ said, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. The kingdom of God is within. Be ye perfect.... Theologians are apt to explain away these teachings, but we believe Christ meant exactly what he said. Read in this book how Vedanta goes to the heart of Christ's teachings.
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    This very readable, yet scholarly book, takes us to the temples, jungles, and cities of India to reveal a continuous stream of Goddess spiritualitythat is unbroken for most of human history. "The Living Goddess" also offers a vision of what our own Goddess heritage in the West must have been, revealing how much we lost when humans turned away from the Divine Female.
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    In each piece, Eknath Easwaran selects one of India's traditional thousand names of God and shows its universal significance: that these are not only names of God, but also aspects of the spark of divinity within us.
  • Using exhilarating quotes from numerous Christian mystics, Easwaran focuses on the idea of "original goodness," the spark of divinity that is every individual's birthright, regardless of personal assets or liabilities. The spiritual resources everyone needs love, compassion, meaning, hope, freedom from fear are already there, ready to be uncovered. Original Goodness includes instructions on how to meditate, and how to apply the power and insights of meditation to everyday life. Original Goodness is part of a three-volume series, Classics of Christian Inspiration, which collects the best writing of Eknath Easwaran on well-loved and inspiring passages and mystics in the Christian tradition.
  • Vivid literature, lofty philosophy -- the Bhagavad Gita distills the finest in India's vast and varied culture On the morning of battle, facing Armageddon, prince Arjuna loses his nerve and refuses to fight. Krishna knows better: "Your very nature will drive you to fight. Your only choice is what to fight against." His advice gives an inspiring model of the man or woman of action -- the person who aims at goodness in a world of conflict and change. In this translation, the Gita stands out as a book of choices -- direct, practical, universal. The introduction sketches the background of the poem and gives clear, contemporary explanations of the basic ideas of Indian philosophy: karma, reincarnation, yoga, freedom. Separate chapter introductions outline the drama as it unfolds.
    In the Bhagavad Gita, Prince Arjuna asks direct, uncompromising  questions of his spiritual guide on the eve of a great battle.
    In  this best-selling and expanded edition of the most famous --and popular -- of Indian scriptures, Eknath Easwaran contextualizes the book culturally and historically and explains the key concepts of Hindu religious thought and the technical vocabulary of yoga. Chapter introductions, notes, and a glossary help readers understand the book's message. Most importantly, this translation uses simple, clear language to impart the poetry, universality, and timelessness of the Gita's teachings.
  • Provides and in-depth analysis of Western and Eastern models of the mind and their differing perspectives.
  • In Wisdom of the Ancient Sages, Swami Rama shares with the modern world the powerful and inspiring teachings of one of the worlds greatest spiritual texts: the Mundaka Upanishad. This beautiful translation and commentary affirms human nature as peaceful, creative, and transcendent. Its message will assist anyone who seeks to walk the path of personal andspiritual development.
  • This inspiring book will be helpful to anyone who is seeking to understand the dynamic interplay between loving relationships and the path of spirituality. In clear, candid language, Swami Rama presents his vision of the potential that marriage and family life have to help us open our heart, expand our personality, and contribute to our spiritual unfoldment.
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