• Describes the anatomy and physiology of breathing, as well as the subtle yogic science of prana.
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    This scholarly, insightful work integrates history and philosophical wisdom to span the gap between life and death. The inspiring examples cited from various cultural traditions draw us away from preoccupation with our own mortality and toward a deeper enjoyment of the life process itself. For those who are touched by the realism of death, this books bids us to look for the purpose in its lesson.
  • This book serves as an excellent guide for the serious meditator. Included are in-depth discussions of the problems and practices of meditation, proper preparations, and concrete methods for deepening meditation.
  • A clear and easy to understand guide to the fundamentals of meditation.
  • This book takes us along on a search for the feminine face of God. We travel with Linda Johnsen for a fascinating investigation of the great women saints of India who manifest the divine in their lives. Together with her we comb the scriptures, meet the holy ones, and are led, step by step, to sit in awe at the feet of six remarkable, contemporary women.
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    Johnsen offers guidance on meditation revealing the intense mental absorption required. Shows the reader the enlightenment to be found through meditation.
  • Siegel, a New Haven surgeon, believes that the power of healing stems from the human mind and will, that his scalpel only buys time against cancer, and that self love and determination are more important than choice of therapy. His philosophy has caused radical changes in his practice. Siegel recounts many arresting anecdotes: joyous stories of patients who survived against all odds, sad chronicles of those who seemingly gave up and assented to their own deaths. The author's credentials make this one of the more plausible books on the mind-body connection.
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    A daily guide for navigating life’s challenges, 365 Prescriptions for the Soul offers bite-sized insights with Dr. Siegel’s unique blend of heart-touching humor and wisdom. Each entry introduces a topic accompanied by an inspirational quote and a “Solution of the Day.” Designed to fit into a busy schedule, the meditations are also easy to understand. They can help create a sense of well-being by pointing the way to more peaceful, loving, and conscious living. As Siegel summarizes: “What heals the soul, heals the mind and body as well.”
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    Dr. Theodore Baroody shows how excess acids in the small intestines can negatively affect that vital organ.  It will give readers a clear understanding of how alkalizing our body tissues can boost overall health and the health of specific areas of our body. Eating alkaline forming foods is a solution to the problem of excess tissue acids, but drinking alkaline water produced by any of our quality Alkaline water ionizers is a more simple and effective way flushing out acid waste from our body.
  • Getting caught in unwanted thoughts and emotions can feel like an inevitable part of life. But Eknath Easwaran, a world-famous spiritual teacher who taught meditation for nearly 40 years, shows a way to break free. Just as a fitness routine can result in a strong, supple body, spiritual disciplines can shape a secure personality and a resilient, loving mind. Best of all, these opportunities to grow stronger spiritually arise not only during meditation but throughout the day. Whether working with difficult colleagues, going out to eat, or responding to a child’s needs, readers learn how to try out different, wiser choices. With humor and empathy, Easwaran places timeless teachings from the Buddha and other mystics into contemporary scenes — watching a juggler on the street, taking a tennis lesson, going to the theater. Training the mind is life’s biggest adventure, and Conquest of Mind shows how this practice brings deepening relationships, increasing vitality, and a greater sense of purpose.
  • Easwaran takes one of India's classic wisdom texts, the Katha Upanishad, and explains how it embraces all the key ideas of Indian spirituality within the context of a powerful mythic quest - the story of a young hero who ventures into the land of death in search of immortality. Illustrating the insights of the Katha through analogies and everyday examples, Easwaran shows how these ancient teachings help us gain a deeper understanding of our world and ourselves today.
  • An excellent manual in everyday preventive medicine with sound, basic skills indispensable for long term health in body and mind. This manual teaches how one can achieve optimum health through cleansing, nourishing, exercising and meditation.
  • How to Live Between Office Visits will show you helpful insights for reaching healing and happiness. The book includes great stories that can help you through life’s hard challenges and struggles and come out lighter, brighter, and happier. It is full of witty and helpful assertions and anecdotes from Bernie’s years of medical practice. If you need or want any help getting through office visits with hope, light and health; or you just want to have a better outlook for life, this is the book for you! It also makes a great gift for a loved one that could use a little help.
  • Lectures on Yoga is a systematic, easy to understand presentation of effective self-training programs to expand one's physical, mental and spiritual horizons. East and West are united to give readers a practical method to self-understanding; all ages will benefit from this lucid presentation of time-honored wisdom.
  • Rediscover the long-forgotten spiritual masters of Egypt and Europe. Johnsen, a leading author on Eastern spirituality, reveals how some of the most famous Greek thinkers – including Plato, Pythagoras, and Plutarch – understood the importance of harmony between mind and body, and practiced ancient yogic techniques, including meditation and vegetarianism. This book brings to light long-neglected historical accounts by the ancient Greeks themselves describing their pilgrimages to India and their encounters with enlightened masters of the East.
  • Practical information on the advanced practices of yoga presented in straightforward language.
  • An inspiriting guide to the systematic science of the path to meditation. Shows how to understand the mind.
  • Swami Rama's description of the totality of the mind, the functions of the mind, and the emotions goes far beyond the concepts of modern psychology.
  • Using exhilarating quotes from numerous Christian mystics, Easwaran focuses on the idea of "original goodness," the spark of divinity that is every individual's birthright, regardless of personal assets or liabilities. The spiritual resources everyone needs love, compassion, meaning, hope, freedom from fear are already there, ready to be uncovered. Original Goodness includes instructions on how to meditate, and how to apply the power and insights of meditation to everyday life. Original Goodness is part of a three-volume series, Classics of Christian Inspiration, which collects the best writing of Eknath Easwaran on well-loved and inspiring passages and mystics in the Christian tradition.
  • As we learn to rejoice in “Lord God, thou holy lover of my soul,” we begin to glimpse the transformative power of divine love in our lives. In this anecdotal, warm, and intensely practical commentary on Thomas a Kempis’s Imitation of Christ, Easwaran examines this enduring Christian passage line by line to show us what love is and how to overcome obstacles to loving more fully.
  • For the first time the science of mantra is made understandable for the modern Western reader. The most common misconceptions regarding meditation and the use of mantra are explained clearly and often humorously. This comprehensive book covers the science of mantra from all angles, including linguistics, history, psychology, science, philosophy, and religion
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    This very readable, yet scholarly book, takes us to the temples, jungles, and cities of India to reveal a continuous stream of Goddess spiritualitythat is unbroken for most of human history. "The Living Goddess" also offers a vision of what our own Goddess heritage in the West must have been, revealing how much we lost when humans turned away from the Divine Female.
  • The Rig Veda is not only one of the oldest sacred scriptures of the world, but also one of the most misunderstood. Past scholarship has dismissed the hymns of the Rig Veda as being expressions of a primitive animistic mentality that only rarely rose to true spiritual and philosophical heights. David Frawley's book demonstrates that this judgmental view is ill-founded. His fine renderings of select Vedic hymns bear witness to the fact that their composers were sages and seers--powerful poets who knew the art of symbolic and metaphoric communication. The Vedic hymns give us a unique glimpse not into a primitive mentality but a mentality and culture that revolved around the highest spirtual values and visions. This is an important and riveting book, ushering in a new and sounder tradition of Vedic interpretation and scholarship.
  • Recorded in an ancient shiva temple on the banks of the Ganges in Northern India, Swami Rama chants AUM as the temple bells sympathetically resonate and the entire temple vibrates and reverberates with this cosmic sound, radiating peace and harmony throughout the universe
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