AMI Meditation

The American Meditation Institute offers yoga and meditation instruction in Albany NY. Accredited Nursing CME & Physician CME Courses. Meditation and Yoga Retreats in Albany NY area.

2018-06-29T16:04:56-04:00December 27th, 2017|AMI MEDITATION|

AMI Medical Conference Discusses How Meditation Combats Physician Burnout and Helps Alter Our Genetic Code for Health and Well Being

How meditation can alter our genetic code to provide good health and wellness is among the topics discussed at The American Meditation Institute’s annual CME conference. If there’s one mental practice that has stood the test of time and rigorous laboratory testing, it’s meditation. In an article published in the Psychoneuroendocrinology journal, a 2014 clinical study reports that mindfulness meditation training can lead to epigenetic alterations of the genome. These changes down-regulate genes previously implicated in inflammation and accelerate cortisol recovery time from social stress. “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that […]

2018-08-17T09:33:08-04:00December 26th, 2017|Burnout, Burnout Resources|
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