Leonard Perlmutter: Yoga Science Practices Can Relieve and Prevent Physician Burnout and Enhance Work-Life Balance

According to Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute (AMI), the practices taught at AMI’s eleventh annual CME conference October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts can help physicians and other healthcare providers relieve and prevent burnout, and establish a more rewarding work-life balance.  Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive 31 credit CME training is accredited through the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association.

A living link to the world’s oldest, continuous health and wisdom tradition, meditation master Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) will present the core Yoga Science curriculum including AMI Meditation, […]

2019-07-30T15:16:14-04:00July 30th, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

11th Annual CME Conference Teaches Physicians How to Use the Chakra System as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Relieve and Prevent Physician Burnout

American Meditation Institute (AMI) founders Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter will present an important lecture on “The Ancient Chakra System as a Diagnostic Tool” at AMI’s 11th annual CME conference on Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts. Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive 31 CME training is accredited by the American Medical Association and designed to help prevent and relieve stress and burnout in physicians and other health care professionals.

Since 1996, Leonard and Jenness Perlmutter have taught Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine. Today, through The […]

2019-07-17T12:32:10-04:00July 17th, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

Albert Einstein Offers Today’s Physicians an Important Clue on How to Prevent and Relieve Burnout at Upcoming CME Conference

To help reverse the national trend of physician burnout, The American Meditation Institute’s 11th annual CME conference will be held on October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts. Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga®,” this 31 CME curriculum on Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine will explain how Albert Einstein’s practical insight can help medical providers prevent and relieve physician burnout.

Although Albert Einstein died in 1955, this world famous theoretical physicist provides an important clue to understanding how today’s physicians and other healthcare providers can prevent and relieve burnout symptoms. According to American Meditation […]

2019-07-01T13:34:51-04:00July 1st, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

DNA Does Not Have to Be Your Destiny!

by Robert Schneider, MD

The cutting edge of modern medicine is coming to the place where mind meets body; where mind meets DNA; where we have control over DNA; where we can modify effects of our genes from the inside out. And this development of modern medicine much parallels the science of meditation and its description and technologies for developing the mind/body connection.

The latest research in modern medical sciences says your DNA is not your destiny. The old paradigm––that your genetic code was fixed, has been superseded. New scientific discoveries show that your lifestyle choices–– what you think, and how you […]

2019-06-28T12:36:54-04:00June 28th, 2019|Burnout Resources, Featured Article|

AMI’s Yoga Science CME Conference Teaches Physicians to “Reimagine Medicine” by Turning Inward to Alleviate Burnout and Be More Creative with Patients

A panel of five distinguished physicians will discuss how they have successfully integrated the principles and tools of Yoga Science into their medical practices and home life at the 11th annual CME conference October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell/Miraval Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts.  Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive training in Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine will offer attendees 31 CME credits that are certified through the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association.

Previous conference attendee and 2019 panel speaker Renee Rodriguez-Goodmote, MD currently serves as Medical Director at the Saratoga Hospital Community Health […]

2019-06-18T14:53:46-04:00June 18th, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

American Meditation Institute’s 31 CME Conference Teaches How Physician Burnout Costing $4.6 Billion Annually Can Be Relieved and Prevented

According to The American Meditation Institute (AMI) founder Leonard Perlmutter, Yoga Science techniques known to relieve and prevent physician burnout symptoms, will be taught at AMI’s 11th annual CME conference for physicians and other health care providers. Taking place October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts, “The Heart and Science of Yoga®” comprehensive training in Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine is accredited through the American Medical Association and American Nurses Association.

A May, 2019 article in the Annals of Internal Medicine reported that physician burnout symptoms are currently costing the U. S. economy $4.6 billion […]

2019-06-09T19:35:12-04:00June 9th, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

How Anthony Santilli MD Transformed His Physician Burnout into Increased Energy, Creativity and Love of Medicine

Anthony Santilli, MD will explain how the daily practice of AMI MEDITATION reversed his diagnosed condition of burnout at the American Meditation Institute’s (AMI) 31-credit hour mind/body medicine CME conference for physicians and other health care providers, October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts. Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this 11th annual comprehensive training, accredited through the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association, is designed to help identify, prevent and relieve physician stress and burnout.

Dr. Santilli received his medical degree from the University at Buffalo, having completed his fellowship at […]

Dr. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa to Present Research on Relieving Physician Burnout with Yoga Science at American Meditation Institute’s 11th Annual CME Conference

Noted researcher on mind/body medicine and yoga therapy, Sat Bir Singh Khalsa PhD, will join the faculty of The American Meditation Institute (AMI) for a 31-credit hour mind/body medicine CME conference for physicians and other health care professionals, October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts. Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this 11th annual comprehensive training, accredited through the American Medical Association and Albany Medical, is designed to help identify, prevent and relieve physician stress and burnout.

Now in its eleventh year of providing physicians continuing medical education credits, this comprehensive curriculum of Yoga […]

2019-05-08T07:11:32-04:00May 8th, 2019|Burnout, Burnout Resources, Press Release|

Revolutionary Thought Energy Equation to be Presented at American Meditation Institute’s 11th Annual Mind/Body Medicine CME Conference for Physicians and Healthcare Providers

Leonard Perlmutter, founder and director of The American Meditation Institute will announce the formulation of the Yoga Science “Thought Energy” equation D=E+W+C at AMI’s 31credit hour mind/body medicine CME conference for physicians and other health care providers, October 22-26, 2019 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts. The formula, which Perlmutter indicates can empower human beings to transform the debilitating power of unhealthy desires into a beneficial form of healing energy, will power and creativity, will be presented at the annual “The Heart and Science of Yoga” physicians’ conference designed to help identify, prevent and relieve physician stress […]

2019-04-17T13:47:48-04:00April 17th, 2019|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

Rediscover Your Love of Medicine and Life

A Personal Journey by Kristin Kaelber MD, PhD

When I first attended the AMI physicians’ conference, my intention was to heal from burnout. At that time, I truly believed that if I found the “right” job, then (and only then) I would be able to heal. I never imagined that healing could occur within the same job. I thought I needed to find a job where the clinic allowed me to emphasize lifestyle practice for reversal of disease, gave me enough time to see patients, and diligently supported physicians so that they could focus only on doctor work and not menial […]

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