About Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Founder and director of The American Meditation Institute, Leonard is the author of “Transformation,” The Journal of Meditation as Mind/Body Medicine and the award-winning book “The Heart and Science of Yoga® : A Blueprint for Peace, Happiness and Freedom from Fear.” His AMI MEDITATION entry-level course has been accredited by the Albany Medical College, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses and American Nurses Association to receive medical education credit. Leonard has been a student of Yoga Science since 1975 and a direct disciple of mind/body medicine pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

Would You Drive With A Dirty Windshield? 5 Tools to Clear Your Vision

I was five years old when I began wearing eyeglasses to correct my vision, and the experience was a game changer. For the first time in my life objects that had previously appeared fuzzy and indistinguishable, now became sharp and identifiable. I could see individual leaves on the trees and recognize words written on the blackboard in school. It was not only a thrill, it was an enormous benefit to see the world so clearly.

After that first amazing experience of clarity, however, my glasses often got dirty. A common accumulation of grease, dust and debris easily rendered my glasses ineffective. […]

Those who say don’t know, and those who know don’t say.

By Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

“Those who say don’t know, and those who know don’t say.” This warning from Lao Tzu, the 6th century BC author of the Tao Te Ching and founder of Taoism, serves as an important reminder today for all of us trying to resolve challenging relationships.

Like many profound teachings presented by a master to a disciple, this statement is to be read as a riddle to solve. The words are presented in a way that requires a certain depth of understanding on the part of the disciple to be correctly interpreted.

From a yogic perspective, Lao Tzu’s […]

2018-10-05T11:56:42-04:00October 4th, 2018|Essays, Featured Article|

What Makes Union Possible?

We rarely examine our most closely held concepts. Every day we deal with issues involving family, business, technology, and morality, knowing that when we need to enlist a certain concept to help us answer life’s questions it will come forward from the unconscious mind. But are all these concepts we’ve stored and employ really reliable, accurate and helpful?

In the field of political science, for example, consider that prized concept of “union,” so passionately discussed, debated and cherished during the turbulent birth of our nation. You probably still remember these famous words you once learned in elementary school: “We the People […]

#MeToo, Opioid Crisis, Gun Control

To make the best choices in every issue in life, you must first answer these 5 questions:  Who am I? Where have I come from? Why am I here? What’s to be done? Where shall I go?

by Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

Harrowing, infuriating stories emerging from the #MeToo movement, the opiate addiction crisis, and the St. Valentine’s Day massacre at Stoneman Douglas High School continue to tear at our hearts. But as we struggle to make the best choices concerning these horrifying revelations and to direct our creative energies toward positive change in our nation’s character, conduct and consciousness, we must […]

Ayurveda: The World’s Oldest Mind/Body Medicine

Ayurveda means “the science of life.” As the world’s oldest mind/body medicine, Ayurveda considers our individual human existence, health and dis-ease in holistic terms––inseparable from the intrinsic cosmic unity of consciousness, energy and matter. Therefore, in order to determine what makes an individual body healthy, the first practitioners of Ayurveda studied the laws and interrelatedness of the cosmos. And in order to understand the functioning of the universe, they examined the operations of the human body.

The Five Elements (Tattvas) and Human Body


Within the human body lie many cavities comprised of the ether element. For example, space exists in the […]

Transforming the Energy Within

You learned in grade school science class that energy can appear in either the potential or kinetic form. The electricity in the wiring of your home is available for any use you choose. When you turn a light switch to the “on” position, energy appears in the form of light. This is the kinetic state because the energy is being used or expended. However, when you turn the light switch to the “off” position, the energy remains in the potential state—ready to be used at the flick of a switch.

The inherent power of fear, anger and self-willed desire can also […]

Our Conscience Uncovers the Truth

To lie or not to lie. That is the question. The internal dialogue that takes place while we decide whether or not to serve the Truth usually sounds like this: “If I lie, the outcome I fear will probably just disappear. If I speak the Truth, the outcome I fear is going to cause me pain.”

That’s how most human beings struggle with the ego’s desire for short-term, limited gratification versus the long-term benefit offered by the conscience. It’s the age-old conversation between the devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other.

But the simple Truth is that a lie […]

Do You Really Want Our Politicians To Tell The Truth?

Many voters are expressing their anger at elected officials who do not speak the Truth. From a yogic perspective, this sociological phenomenon is extremely interesting––especially since politicians have rarely, if ever, been standard-bearers of the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

Since the dawn of civilization, politicians have worked to serve the consciousness (aspirations, concerns and judgments) of the people they represent. Is it possible that our current surge of anger toward politicians portends a genuine change in the consciousness of humanity? Could this desire for truthful politicians signify the dawning of a deep-seated intuitive wisdom that knows […]

The Power of Mantra: Quiet Mind –– Healthy Body

The mind is constantly moving. And that’s a very good thing. In order to ensure our self-preservation, the mind must investigate the objects of the world, entertain memories of what it believes has happened in the past and imagine what might possibly occur in the future. This incessant activity of the mind––that leads to action, consequence and experience––is both vital and rewarding. However, when the presence of our detachment, discrimination and will power is missing from its deliberations, the mind operates like a powerful storm that can wreak havoc in our lives.

If we want to quiet the mind and tap […]

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