The American Meditation Institute Announces a New Research Study on AMI Meditation for the Relief of Stress and Burnout in Healthcare Providers

The American Meditation Institute (AMI) has received IRB (Institutional Review Board) approval through the Berkshire Medical Center to conduct a research study that will examine the impact of a basic daily mantra-based AMI MEDITATION practice on the symptoms of burnout, compassion fatigue and stress in healthcare providers. The first participants in this study will be among those who received their training in Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine at AMI’s tenth annual Heart and Science of Yoga® CME conference October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts.

The principal investigator of the study is Mark Pettus MD, Director […]

2018-08-17T09:33:03-04:00December 26th, 2017|Burnout, Burnout Resources|

Harvard Psychiatrist Studies Meditation and the Chronically Stressed

Scientists are getting close to proving what Yoga Scientists have held to be true for thousands of years: meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work follows a study he and others published in 2014 showing how mind- body techniques can switch on and off some genes linked to stress and immune function. While hundreds of studies have been conducted on the mental health benefits of meditation and […]

2018-08-17T09:32:54-04:00December 21st, 2017|Burnout Resources, Getting Started News, News Article, News in Brief|

Taking the Right Direction

by Phil Neurnberger

Many years ago, a friend who was a senior officer in a bank asked me how one could possibly translate the esoteric concepts of Yoga Science, meditation and its allied disciplines for practical-minded business executives. I was somewhat dumbfounded by the question, since meditation has immediate application in every aspect of life, and is particularly useful for any businessperson or executive. In fact, the higher you go in corporate life, the more valuable the knowledge of meditation becomes. His question indicated to me that while he may have read or heard about the philosophy of Yoga Science, he […]

2018-09-04T14:14:04-04:00December 19th, 2017|Blog, Corporate Programs Featured Blog|

Corporate America Looks Within for Success

by Don Sadler

To be successful, every company must regularly reevaluate and reinvent itself. More and more, corporate America is beginning to acknowledge the benefits of meditation and is bringing this ancient practice into their modern workplace.

Why? Because the benefits of meditation for every employee are undeniable: clarity of thought, release of stress, enhanced creativity, and the ability to see situations and solve problems from a unique and fresh perspective.

From large, well-recognized corporations to small and mid-sized enterprises, many CEOs, business owners and entrepreneurs are recognizing that meditation (and its allied practices) can have a positive impact on the health, […]

2018-09-04T14:13:12-04:00December 19th, 2017|Corporate Programs Featured Article, Featured Article|

Meditation Before and After Surgery

In January of 2014, after reporting a certain “recurring abdominal pain” to my primary care physician, I underwent a series of diagnostic tests that would ultimately lead to an extremely complicated surgery involving the pancreas, gall bladder and small intestine. Imaging tests revealed a large cyst in the head of the pancreas, but even after the cyst had been biopsied, there was no way, short of surgery, to know definitively whether it was benign or malignant. As much as I would have liked to say, “no, thank you” when I was told surgery needed to be done, there was really […]

2018-09-04T14:11:59-04:00December 18th, 2017|Blog, Deepen Practice Featured Blog|

Satsang: Keep the Company of the Wise

Like water naturally taking the shape of the container in which it finds itself, your will, deeds and destiny conform to the company you keep. It’s true. What you give your attention to has an enormous influence on the life you live. If the company you keep, both mentally and physically, is chosen unconsciously, stress and dis-ease will likely follow. But if the company you keep is chosen consciously, with discrimination, it’s likely that happiness, health and security will follow.

How do I know? In 1978, shortly after I began my spiritual journey in earnest, my teacher, Swami Rama of the […]

2018-09-04T14:11:10-04:00December 18th, 2017|Deepen Practice Featured Article, Featured Article|

Multitasking and Chronic Stress

Why Are Multi-Taskers So Stressed Out?

Nothing gets the stress levels revved up like multitasking. We’ve all been there – spread too thin, feeling a lack of satisfaction, perhaps even bitter. Well, there’s a reason multitasking is taking a toll on you. By definition, multitasking is an impossible feat – IMPOSSIBLE! No wonder you feel stressed out.

So what to do when you’re in a time crunch, trying to do 25 things at once, accomplishing very little? While it may sound counter-intuitive, you can actually get more done in less time by S L O W I N G the mind.

Our modern […]

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