AMI Meditation - The Foundation Course of Yoga Science. A 6-Week Scientific Journey to Spiritual Awakening

A Modern Link in the World’s Oldest Health & Wisdom Tradition

AMI Meditation - The Foundation Course of Yoga Science. A 6-Week Scientific Journey to Spiritual Awakening

A Modern Link in the World’s Oldest Health & Wisdom Tradition

Purchase Your Copy Today!

Your Conscience by Leonard Perlmutter

What is Spiritual Awakening?

Woman in Kayak -- Spiritual Awakening

Yoga Science is the Sacred Science
of Awakening to the Supreme Intelligence

For 6,000 years, women and men of the Bharati lineage of Yoga Science and Philosophy, have provided spiritual teachings for experiencing the fullest evolution of mind, body and spirit. Recognized as the world’s oldest health and wisdom spiritual tradition, it continues today as a practical path to Self-Realization. Receiving this scientific education for enlightenment from Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) in his Foundation Course, the earnest spiritual seeker, as a Yoga Scientist, learns through experimentation how to recognize, receive and act with Super Conscious Wisdom in the challenges of everyday living. Slowly, as one’s practice deepens, life becomes an ascent into the serenity of absolute Perfection—our original state, and the inheritance of every human being.


CONGRATULATIONS to the 2024 National Conscience Month
Essay Contest Winner —


Jiya Patil, 2024 National Conscience Month Essay Contest Winner

National Conscience Month 2024 Scholarship winner Jiya Patil

The American Meditation Institute proudly announces that Jiya Patil of Pleasanton, California, is the winner of the 5th Annual National Conscience Month Essay Contest. This year’s honoree will receive a $2,000 scholarship toward higher education for describing her personal rewarding experiences of using her Conscience as her sole decision-making guide.

In her award-winning entry, high school senior at the Foothill High School, Patil writes that by using her Conscience to determine her thoughts, words and deeds, “I’ve realized that the tragedy of the commons is nature’s way of forcing each of us to listen to our consciences, a lesson that I hope we all learn earlier rather than later. Instead of continuing to lie to myself, I hope to let my conscience guide me away from engaging with this tragedy. By choosing not to feed into it, I might ensure my status as a loser to some, but I’m no longer willing to win the race if I have to cheat to get to the front.”

National Conscience Month, observed each January, is intended to encourage individual citizens, governments, school systems, faith leaders, non-profits, community organizations and corporations across the United States to celebrate and raise awareness about the value of consciously using your conscience as an inspired guide in making better decisions.

According to Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute, author of “Your Conscience” and originator of National Conscience Month, “Today, a new reliance on our Conscience as our guide can make it possible for each of us to access and integrate intuitive wisdom, and to establish greater personal security, creativity and peace of mind.”

New peer-reviewed Clinical Study finds AMI MEDITATION® Reduces Burnout and Stress

Clinical Button

Newly published research from the American Medical Association shows how the COVID-19 pandemic magnified long-standing issues that have accelerated the U.S. physician burnout rate.  At the end of 2021, nearly 63% of physicians reported symptoms of burnout, up from 38% in 2020.  Research shows that large-scale change is needed to address the physician burnout crisis.

The AMI Meditation® comprehensive proprietary curriculum has now been proven to bring more ease and less effort to the complex navigation of daily life.  Having taught as a faculty member of The American Meditation Institute, and as a student of its teachings for many year, I can offer first-hand experiential affirmation of the power of the unique curriculum developed by AMI founder Leonard Perlmutter to transform an individual’s interpretation and response to the disorder of modern times.  Read more

The Secret of Living Joyfully

In the Presence of Fear and Anger

News in Brief

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American Meditation Institute

American Meditation Institute

Teaching Self-Care for Healthy Living.

Start a new path in your life. Begin that path by relieving stress and burnout and gain a new outlook. Please join us every Sunday at 9:30am EST on ZOOM for free guided AMI Meditation® practice and satsang (philosophical discussion). Available to everyone – No experience necessary! The actual period for AMI Meditation® begins with the sound of a bell.


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Start a new path in your life. Begin that path by relieving stress and burnout and gain a new outlook. Please join us every Sunday at 9:30am EST on ZOOM for free guided AMI Meditation® practice and satsang (philosophical discussion).  Available to everyone – No experience necessary! The actual period for AMI Meditation® begins with the sound of a bell.


#meditation #selfdiscovery #peace #dailypractice #satsang #spirituality #selfcare #meditate #peace #mindfulness #wellness #americanmeditation

When both birth and death are understood and accepted as parts of the human journey, then the fear of death subsides and life can be lived more fully and joyfully.
This course is offered in-person at the AMI Home Center and online via ZOOM. All classes are recorded and links are made available to you following each class.
Register and learn more here:
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When both birth and death are understood and accepted as parts of the human journey, then the fear of death subsides and life can be lived more fully and joyfully.
This course is offered in-person at the AMI Home Center and online via ZOOM. All classes are recorded and links are made available to you following each class. 
Register and learn more here:

All contributions go directly into the development of new meditation and yoga programs and the associated operating expenses to bring the benefits of mind/body medicine to more people. Your donation helps to keep classes, medical conferences, workshops, webinars and the AMI speaker’s bureau available, accessible and affordable. Your donation keeps our 6,000 year-old tradition of Yoga Science flourishing in the world. DONATE:

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All contributions go directly into the development of new meditation and yoga programs and the associated operating expenses to bring the benefits of mind/body medicine to more people. Your donation helps to keep classes, medical conferences, workshops, webinars and the AMI speaker’s bureau available, accessible and affordable. Your donation keeps our 6,000 year-old tradition of Yoga Science flourishing in the world. DONATE:

#donate #support #givingcampaign #yoga #meditation #americanmeditation #class #retreat #conference #donation #sadhana #contribution #seva

Thought For The Week:
How can you experiment with this during the week? Share your experiments and outcomes with us. Drop a comment below.

#americanmeditation #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #selfcare #observe #yoga #thoughts #thoughtoftheday #Mindfulness
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Thought For The Week:
How can you experiment with this during the week? Share your experiments and outcomes with us. Drop a comment below.

#americanmeditation #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #selfcare #observe #yoga #thoughts #thoughtoftheday #mindfulness

Start a new path in your life. Begin that path by relieving stress and burnout and gain a new outlook. Please join us every Sunday at 9:30am EST on ZOOM for free guided AMI Meditation® practice and satsang (philosophical discussion). Available to everyone – No experience necessary! The actual period for AMI Meditation® begins with the sound of a bell.


#meditation #SelfDiscovery #peace #dailypractice #satsang #spirituality #selfcare #meditate #peace #Mindfulness #wellness #americanmeditation
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Start a new path in your life. Begin that path by relieving stress and burnout and gain a new outlook. Please join us every Sunday at 9:30am EST on ZOOM for free guided AMI Meditation® practice and satsang (philosophical discussion).  Available to everyone – No experience necessary! The actual period for AMI Meditation® begins with the sound of a bell.


#meditation #selfdiscovery #peace #dailypractice #satsang #spirituality #selfcare #meditate #peace #mindfulness #wellness #americanmeditation
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Leonard Perlmutter’s
Award Winning Book

The complete blueprint

for constructing a practical bridge between your own inner wisdom and outer actions.


2nd Edition
Revised & Expanded

Endorsed by:
Dr. Oz
Dean Ornish MD 
Bernie Siegel MD
Larry Dossey MD

AMI’s 27th Anniversary Giving Campaign

Since 1996 AMI has served thousands of students—teaching practical skills to enhance personal, professional and spiritual growth. Now, we turn to you—to assure that the practical teaching of Yoga Science will continue to grow. As a non-profit educational organization, AMI is not financially self-sustaining. We ask your help in supporting the Institute’s mission of service.

AMI MEDITATION Techniques Can Relieve and Prevent Physician Burnout

Learn practical tools that can empower you to make conscious discriminating and reliable choices to enhance your creativity, well-being and happiness.  Our comprehensive, accredited CME conferences, retreats and classes are designed to help identify, prevent and relieve physician stress and burnout.