About Elaine Peterson

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So far Elaine Peterson has created 10 blog entries.

Philosophy of Life

To experience a happy, healthy, joyful and rewarding life, regardless of your circumstances, you need to develop a clear understanding of the meaning of your life and the significance of your relationships. For this endeavor, you will need a Philosophy of Life to guide you. It should be a simple philosophy, and when you become thoroughly familiar with it, then you will begin functioning on a deeper level of consciousness, and you will begin to truly enjoy your life.

Such an enjoyment does not mean merely experiencing some momentary pleasure. Regardless of all that you have or do not have, within […]

2024-08-12T11:54:45-04:00August 12th, 2024|Uncategorized|

High School Senior Jiya Patil Wins 2024 National Conscience Month Scholarship Essay Contest

In her award-winning entry, Ms. Patil, a senior at the Foothill High School in Pleasanton, California, writes about how she overcame persistent emotional challenges to finally use the […]

2024-02-13T11:48:03-05:00February 13th, 2024|National Conscience Month, Press Release|

Conscience Month: At least 99.5% of Americans Don’t Know How the Conscience Works to Transform Struggling Into Flourishing, Suffering Into Happiness and Sadness Into Joy

2023-01-03T12:01:17-05:00January 3rd, 2023|National Conscience Month, Press Release|

First AMI Meditation Foundation Course Starting Since Clinical Study Finds Leonard Perlmutter’s Curriculum Reduces Burnout and Stress While Increasing Compassion

Following the publication of a peer-reviewed clinical study which found that his AMI Meditation syllabus can significantly reduce burnout and stress while increasing compassion, Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute, will teach a new six-session semester of his ground-breaking Foundation Course December 6, 2022 through January 10, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:30pm ET […]

Perlmutter Challenges America: Take These Five Easy Steps to Help Heal The Union

2022-06-28T12:43:57-04:00June 28th, 2022|Press Release|

Perlmutter Blames Myopic, Enfeebled Educational System For Inviting the Disintegration of American Culture and Civilization

2022-06-01T11:10:36-04:00June 1st, 2022|Press Release|

New Book Warns: Democracy Without Discrimination From the Conscience Leads to Disintegration

2022-03-09T12:42:10-05:00December 1st, 2021|National Conscience Month, Press Release|

Author Perlmutter: 98 Percent of the People Are Blind, and Your Conscience Is the Cure

Perlmutter’s new book, YOUR CONSCIENCE, offers readers an easy-to-understand introduction to […]

2021-11-24T12:01:29-05:00October 5th, 2021|National Conscience Month, Press Release|

New Book Warns: Systemic Crisis in Education Causes Pain that Only Enlightened Use of “Your Conscience” Can Resolve

2021-11-24T12:02:03-05:00September 7th, 2021|National Conscience Month, Press Release|

Clarion Rating: 5 out of 5

August 31, 2021 — Reviewed by Matt Benzing

With its direct language and practical exercises, Your Conscience is a standout spirituality text.

Leonard Perlmutter’s self-help text Your Conscience applies spiritual insights to the challenges of everyday living.

The book begins by naming four functions of the mind: logic, ego, the unconscious, and conscience. For its purposes, conscience is identified as the most important of these functions. It is called the core of an individual’s identity—the force that integrates the other aspects of the mind together and empowers enlightened decision making. From this perspective: the conscience is not just a guide to good […]

2021-12-17T10:23:18-05:00August 31st, 2021|Book Reviews|
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