Physician Burnout CME Conference: Yoga Science as Holistic Mind/Body Medicine

The American Meditation Institute (AMI) will host its 10th annual comprehensive training in Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine conference October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts.  This 32 credit CME training, which is accredited by the American Medical Association, will provide a proven curriculum that transforms the energy of stress, and furnish each attendee a set of tools and resources necessary for relieving and preventing burnout.

In addition to their enormous professional responsibilities, increasing numbers of physicians today are debilitatingly burdened with overwork, extreme stress, anxiety, and even “compassion fatigue.”  According to the “2018 Medscape […]

2018-08-21T22:42:00-04:00August 21st, 2018|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

Collegiality and a Sense of Community Provided at Yoga Science CME Conference to Help Physicians Relieve and Prevent Burnout

The American Meditation Institute has announced that AMI MEDITATION techniques for relieving and preventing common physician burnout symptoms will be taught in a supportive peer environment at the 10th annual mind/body medicine CME conference October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts.  Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive, 32 credit CME training is accredited by the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association.

The 2018 Medscape National Physician Burnout & Depression Report states that 42% of physicians are less engaged with their medical staff and peers, and more easily irritated throughout the day. […]

2018-08-07T08:39:50-04:00August 7th, 2018|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

Top Five Myths About Meditation Debunked

Women’s Health magazine debunks the Top Five Myths about meditation.

  1. The goal of meditation is to eliminate thoughts.  Meditation is not about blocking out thoughts, it’s about what you do with thoughts when you become aware of them.
  2. You should always feel calm during and after meditation.  Do not judge your experience during the meditation, but rather by the cumulative benefits in everyday life.
  3. You have to meditate for a long time to feel benefits.  Even meditating for 1 minute can make a huge difference to stress levels.
  4. Meditation is just for people who are stressed.  Meditation is an effective antidote when  you are feeling […]
2018-07-27T10:36:16-04:00July 27th, 2018|News in Brief|

Leonard Perlmutter: Yoga Science Can Relieve and Prevent Physician Burnout and Enhance Work-Life Balance

According to Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute (AMI), the curriculum presented at AMI’s tenth annual CME conference October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts can help physicians relieve and prevent burnout, and establish a more rewarding work-life balance.  Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive 32 credit CME training is accredited through the Albany Medical College and the American Medical Association.

A living link to the world’s oldest, continuous health and wisdom tradition, meditation master Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev) will present the core Yoga Science curriculum including AMI Meditation, diaphragmatic breathing and […]

2024-03-07T14:57:25-05:00July 24th, 2018|Burnout Resources, Press Release|

Take Your Meditation Practice on Vacation

Air travel can be stressful.  The hurry-up-and-wait at an airport and trying to navigate the crowds and security can be exhausting and compromise your immune system.  To make your flight less stressful and more rewarding, AMI founder Leonard Perlmutter suggests the following:

  1. Listen to your mantra when you have no immediate responsibility to deal with.
  2. Pack nourishing home-cooked food to eat until you reach your destination.
  3. During a flight or while waiting for a connecting flight, do a few easy-gentle yoga stretches.
  4. Practice three rounds of alternate nostril breathing.  It will reduce anxiety, and increase your energy levels.
  5. Plan at […]
2018-07-16T13:38:59-04:00July 16th, 2018|News in Brief|

Jenness Cortez Perlmutter: Using the Chakra System as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Relieve and Prevent Physician Burnout

The American Meditation Institute (AMI) co-founder and internationally renowned artist Jenness Cortez Perlmutter will present a lecture on “The Ancient Chakra System as a Diagnostic Tool,” during the 10th annual mind/body medicine CME conference October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts.  Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive 32 CME training, accredited by the Albany Medical College and the American Medical Association, is designed to help prevent and relieve stress and burnout in physicians and other health care professionals.

Jenness Cortez Perlmutter is co-founder of The American Meditation Institute and editor of “Transformation”—the journal […]

2024-03-07T14:55:57-05:00July 11th, 2018|Burnout Resources, Press Release|

What Makes Union Possible?

We rarely examine our most closely held concepts. Every day we deal with issues involving family, business, technology, and morality, knowing that when we need to enlist a certain concept to help us answer life’s questions it will come forward from the unconscious mind. But are all these concepts we’ve stored and employ really reliable, accurate and helpful?

In the field of political science, for example, consider that prized concept of “union,” so passionately discussed, debated and cherished during the turbulent birth of our nation. You probably still remember these famous words you once learned in elementary school: “We the People […]

The Antidote to “Super-Doctor Syndrome”

By Lorenz Iannarone MD
“Super Doctor Syndrome” refers to a common condition afflicting a large percentage of physicians and other healthcare providers. Left untreated, it is known to lead to burnout. Dr. Iannorone’s biographical essay provides a classic example.

Do you know how “Storm Chasers” in Oklahoma get pumped just by getting into their high-tech machines and going out in search of tornadoes? Or how big game hunters get a rush of adrenaline in seeking “the big kill?” Sometimes I wonder if I just sought out stress for the same rush. People tell me that I’m at my best in a stressful […]

Beth Netter MD: Yoga Science Breathing Techniques Can Calm the Mind to Prevent and Relieve Physician Burnout

At the 10th annual American Meditation Institute (AMI) CME conference, holistic physician Beth Netter, MD will demonstrate Yoga Science breathing techniques that stimulate the vagus nerve to prevent and relieve burnout symptoms of anxiety and depression. Entitled “The Heart and Science of Yoga,” this comprehensive training in Yoga Science as holistic mind/body medicine October 23-27, 2018 at the Cranwell Resort and Spa in Lenox, Massachusetts, offers 32 CME credits, and is accredited through the Albany Medical College and the American Medical Association.

Dr. Netter’s “Breath as Medicine” presentation will address the importance of diaphragmatic breathing to optimize blood flow, provide sufficient […]

2018-09-04T13:40:27-04:00June 26th, 2018|Press Release, Relieve Burnout Symptoms|

Leonard Perlmutter’s 18th Annual Transformative Learning Retreat to be Held at The American Meditation Institute in Averill Park, New York

Summer Pond

The American Meditation Institute (AMI) in Averill Park, New York will host Leonard Perlmutter’s 18th annual summer retreat July 19-21, 2018. This CME accredited foundation course of Yoga Science as mind/body medicine will include topics on AMI Meditation, stress and pain management, diaphragmatic breathing, easy-gentle yoga, Ayurveda, Yoga psychology, immortality and nutrition.

The weekend intensive is designed for first-time and experienced meditators, and offers 18 continuing medical education credits (CMEs) for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev), AMI founder, noted philosopher and author of the award-winning book […]

2018-09-04T13:41:23-04:00June 19th, 2018|Press Release|
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